Before I came here, whenever I talked about my plans of coming to Quincy, to friends and family, everyone talked down on it, but I still felt pretty confident. However, when it started to get close to the time of moving here, I started thinking about all the negative things that I was told. Now that I am here, everyday is another reassurance that I am doing exactly what I should be doing. Honestly, I could not imagine being anywhere else.
I would like to update y'all about everything I have done since I have been here in detail, but I seriously don't have time for that. I definitely thought I would have a bunch of free time when I got here, and I have never been so busy. Its a good busy that's for sure.
To sum up just the past few weeks, I have been Kayaking, Rafting, Rock Climbing, Mountain Biking, Hiking, Crawdad Fishing, and so much more. One of the many wonderful things about this place is the weekend classes. This past weekend I took a Rock Climbing class and it was so much fun.
The picture to the right is a picture of Randi(Left) and Me(Right) on the first day of our Rock climbing class. We went to Grizzly Dome that day, also known as Sizzly Dome for being ridiculously hot.
The Picture to the left is a picture of the first climb of my life! It was pretty sweet, it was an awesome feeling climbing up the rock and being up so high. It was little nerve racking at first, but by the end of the weekend, I gained so much confidence. There were certain parts of the weekend that I definitely wanted to kill the rock, but the times that my muscles were shaking and I had the coolest views, I absolutely loved it. The First day we went to Grizzly Dome, and the Second Day we went to a place called the Loading Zone. At the Loading Zone there was more cracks, so we did more crack climbing. That was by far my favorite day out of all three days. Right when I got there, I just put my harness on, and started climbing up the rock. It got to a point where I had to shimmy my way up this rock, and I used my thigh muscles and they named it the thighmaster after me. haha. I felt pretty special. The Picture to the right is the Thighmaster, and it was further up the climb where I had to shimmy.
The third day we went to a place called River Rocks, and that was a lot of fun too. It was such a pretty place. To get to the rocks you had to walk over this really shady bridge that I was pretty sure was going to Collapse. But we spent a lot of that day in the river just hanging out. Afterwards we drove to Reno (My first time ever being outside California whoo whoo!). We stopped at this Mexican Taco place, and that was the happiest I have been in a while. I am used to eating lots of Mexican food, and one thing Quincy doesn't have is a good Mexican food restaurant. All the weekend classes are so much fun, because since you spend so much time with those people, we all just turn into one big family. That has definitely helped the transition from my big family back home to here.
Sorry to cut this short but I am driving to Reno tonight to see a rebelution show. I am pretty pumped. I will try update more. Later for now.